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The lead is great. In good times, the lead is great. In challenging times, the lead is even greater. Kollel As the COVID-19 pandemic has roiled our families, community, country, and world friendship and support are more important now more than ever.


Kollel Hora'ah of America was instituted with the goal of developing Talmidei Chachomim who are empowered with the skills to utilize and impart their knowledge in a leadership role. In the shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, true Jewish leadership is needed now more than ever!

Our second group of yungeleit just recieved their Smicha from HaRav Moshe Heineman Shlit"a of Baltimore. Despite the pandemic, our talmidim have not slowed down. They have completed, on schedule, all of Basar Bechalav, Taaruvos, Melicha, and Sefakos. The Kollel met with Rabbi Heineman at his home on Tuesday for a six-hour comprehensive farher covering all the above areas. Rabbi Heineman then conferred Smicha on the yungeleit expressing how well they knew the material.

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יורה יורה באיסור והיתר


הרב אלכסנדר הלוי שולמאן

הרב אברהם הלוי קליגר

הרב ראובן הלוי מיטטלר

הרב אליעזר פיינשטיין

הרב מיכאל פליטטמאן

הרב אהרן יחיאל ראסקאם

הרב חיים גאלדשמידט

הרב דוד שלום באלאבאן

הרב שמואל קורזנר

הרב אלי סטורטש

Rabbi Heineman Smicha

Take the Lead

A Charidy Event

Information is a basic human right. And today, in 2019, information is everywhere for the taking. But while information is a virtual wellspring, mined by google and media platforms, understanding and real empathy is fast becoming a scarce commodity.


To put it simply, we know so much, but understand so little.


At the community level, Jewish families feel this struggle the most when searching for the “right” Rav. 


The “right” Rav is difficult to find. Ever since those 40 years in the desert, we have had endless interpretations of what makes someone a good leader. But at the essence, we can all agree, that a true leader starts with understanding―the ability to transcend conventional “information,” and connect with their community―and the individual―at any level and meet their unique needs. 


In the five years since its inception, Kollel Hora’ah of America, led by Rabbi Mordechai Eisenberg, has relentlessly endeavored to prepare its students for dynamic roles within the community, ready to take up positions of leadership in a variety of areas by providing both the questions and answers that help build our avreichem’s tool box of real-time, real world knowledge.

By working closely with the community; taking the time to understand the needs and concerns of others in different life situations, the kollel has continued, year after year, to shine as a premier example of Jewish thought. As a result ...

TTCI Seminar

Sholom Bayis in Crisis

Kollel Hora'ah recently hosted a well attended seminar showcasing the successful Twerskey method. This seminar, open to the public, was designed to showcase what  Sholom bayis coaching can offer. With presentations from Rabbi Mordechai Twersky Shlit"a, Dean of TCCI, Dr. Rosenshiem, noted psychologist, and Rabbi Mordechai Eisenberg, our Rosh Kollel, various challenges facing the modern day Rav were highlighted. Dr. Rosensheim, with his famous sense of humor, brought to the fore the importance of common sense when dealing with crises. 

The Twersky method is a proven Torah based skill-set geared to enable one to effectively coach health couples who are facing challenges within their marriage

Rabbi Twersky has previously given the full twelve session course here in the Kollel. it was our pleasure hosting this seminar enabling him to spread the word and create awareness of what he can offer.

Cultivating Roots of Leadersip

A Charidy Event

Here at Kollel Hora'ah of America we get to the root of the matter. Our unique Derech Halimud focuses on understanding the roots of the Halacha, be it in the Gemara, Rishonim, or Achronim. Understanding the source provides the Lomed with clarity, it is this clarity which enables one to issue a psak. When one sees the roots one can see the entire picture. This idea is not limited to Halacha, rather our entire Mesora is about connecting with our roots. When one is connected, one joins to become another link of the eternal chain of Mesora. One observes how the Halacha was passed down from generation to generation. From the Chumash to Mishna to Gemara. The way the Rishonim understood the Gemara and how the Achronim delved into the words of the Rishonim. By tracing this path one begins to see the reasoning and logic in the final codified Halacha. Learning is not enough. When one acquires knowledge one is obligated to teach and inspire. When one discovers the proper path one must lead others along on it. The ability to lead is increasingly rare in today's ever-changing world. Today we are faced with challenges and obstacles like never before. It is to fill this void that here at Kollel Hora'ah of America we provide our Talmidim with the tools necessary to lead. These tools enable our Talmidim to learn, teach, inspire, guide, and lead. 


This cannot be done without your help. Please help this unique Kollel continue Cultivating Roots of Leadership.


Our visionary sponsors have agreed to triple each dollar donated for the duration of this campaign! For every dollar donated the Kollel receives three! take advantage of this opportunity and donate generously!

This year's campaign has been dedicated in memory of the Rebbetzin. The Rebbetzin was a fervent supporter and advocate of the Kollel. Her dedication knew no bounds. No job too trivial, nothing was below her dignity, she did not hesitate to contact people on behalf of the Kollel. This was all besides giving on her own. Her wise counsel will be sorely missed, an educator herself she understood the importance of what the Kollel provides. She recognized the importance of training Yungeleit to be able to heed the call of the Klall. providing them with the tools to accept the mantle of leadership. the Rebbetzin was keenly aware that these tools are not just for leaders in the public eye. Rather each and every one has countless opportunities to influence and inspire others. The impact one single individual can have is unfathomable. Therefore, it is imperative that one makes the most of such opportunities, and be constantly prepared.


Rebbetzin Shelia Feinstein's dedication to the Kollel was well known. Therefore, it is a fitting tribute to her to dedicate this campaign in her memory. We at Kollel Hora'ah of America are eternally grateful to the Rebbetzin for the role she played. We are proud and honored to be a part of her legacy.


תהי נשמתה צרורה בצרור החיים

חג הסמיכה תשע''ח

Kollel Hora'ah of America is proud to introduce the next generation of leaders. Our Musmachim are graduating an intense three and a half year program culminating in a Yoreh Yoreh Smicha signed by Harav Reuven Feinstein Shlit'"a. In addition, each of our graduates has earned the title of "Advanced Shalom Bayis Coach" from the  TCCI. They have also been trained in public speaking by the renowned Mr. Avi Shulman. The uniquely targeted curriculum at the Kollel has provided each and every one of these young men with the tools necessary to make an impact on the community at large.

Our Musmachim over the past three and half years have been tested by multiple Rabbonim. All those who have tested the Yungeleit have been suitably impressed by the clarity of their knowledge, as well as confident in their ability to serve as a Moreh Hora'ah B'Yisroel.

It is our hope that each and every one of these qualified young men find success in all of their future endeavors, and become true assets to the Klal.

Our Musmachim

Rabbi Moshe Eisenberg

Rabbi Moshe Eisenberg

Rabbi Aaron Leeder

Rabbi Aaron Leeder



Rabbi Eli Schecter

Rabbi Eli Schecter

Rabbi Moshe Orgel

Rabbi Moshe Orgel

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Berman

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Berman

Rabbi Yonah Scheiner

Rabbi Yonah Scheiner

Raised in Far Rockaway, Yonah currently resides in Lakewood with his wife and three sons. Yonah serves as Magid Shiur of the largest Daf Yomi Shiur in the Marlboro area. Additionally, Yonah is the founder and Editor-in-chief of Points to Ponder, a thought provoking Weekly.

Rabbi Shmuel Katz

Rabbi Shmuel Katz

Rabbi Yosef Stern

Rabbi Yosef Stern

Born and raised in Brooklyn, Yossi attended the Kaminetz and Mir Yeshivos. He subsequently studied under Rav Dovid Soloveitchik In Israel. Upon his return to the states, he joined BMG where he studied for two years. Yossi was one of the founding members of Kollel Hora'ah of America. He currently is a member of the Miami Beach community Kollel where he is involved in outreach.

Rabbi Chesky Webster

Rabbi Chesky Webster

Over 150 guest gathered on April 29, 2018, at the River Terrace hall in Lakewood NJ to celebrate our Musmachims' accomplishments.

The crowd was privileged to hear from HaRav Reuven Feinstein Shlit"a, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Staten Island and rabbinical adviser of the Kollel. Our esteemed Rosh HaKollel, Rabbi Mordechai Eisenberg, addressed the assemblage as well. After the Kseav Smichos were distributed, R' Moshe Dovid Berman spoke on behalf of the Musmachim. Additional speeches were given by Rabbi Eliezer Eisenberg, and Rav Avrohom Beren, Rosh Kollel. In recognition of this monumental achievement, we have compiled a congratulatory journal in honor of our Musmachim. The journal includes samplings from Points to Ponder, the Kollel newsletter.

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Kollel Hora'ah of America | 17 Cypress Lane Marlboro NJ |

Kollel Hora'ah of America is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 47-1855602

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